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Showing posts with the label Covid

2021 - A New Beginning

Dear 2020 - You taught us well!! Not just to take care of our health but also to inculcate good hand hygiene which we as Homo Sapiens badly needed. It's well into 2021 and with the onset of many godly vaccine cure, it's safe to assume that Covid is/will eventually loose ground. Dear 2020, you were eerie most of the times but at the same time these are (Mis) adventurous times that we live in. You reminded the world the power of Namaste (hand folding rather than hand shaking). You were indeed extremely difficult on most of us, from major financial loss, to health loss and then ultimately emotional loss. You broke down some of the biggest corporate houses, Yet you were unable to shake down the spirit of the common man!!. Life somehow found a way in spite of all the hardships and challenges. We remember and appreciate the essential workers. Nifty plunged the lowest it could (7500) and on last of the year and made an all time high of 14000...since then it's been a no holds barr...